Tupoksi Kaur. Her-registrasi & MAA

Main Duty and Function (TUPOKSI)

Head of Re-registration and MAA


A.     Duty :

1.      Helping the duty of Head of Academic Administration Bureau and Head of Re-registration and MAA, especially the duty in re-registration and MAA.

2.      Re-registration of New and Old Students :

a.       Making announcement of schedule and Registration requirement and Re-registration.

b.      Coordinating registration and re-registration, including change degree and transfer student, both related to duty division in intern of BAA, scheduling and accomplishment of adminstration related to regsitration and re-registration process.

3.      Having responsibility for making process of Student Card (KTM).

4.     Helping the reporting proposal process of SK-034 and SK-108 to Dikti ( EPSBED Report and Request of Study Program Coordination License Renewal)

5.      Processing of new student reporting for NIMAN (Nomor Induk Mahasiswa Nasional) request to DIKTI with copy to KOPERTIS and NIMKO (Nomor Induk Mahasiswa Kopertais) request to DEPAG with copy to KOPERTAIS which is enclosured with the copy of educational certificate which has been legalized and diskette/CD

6.      Helping the Duty of Academic Administration Management:

a.       Conduct KRS Online Process.

b.      Conduct scoring process of final test by onlline.

c.       Making academic data back up periodically, and send it to Head of Documentation.

7.      Daily service to students:

a.       Serving process of lost KTM / having trouble.

b.      Serving process of study terminal, Temporary Quit from Study (BSS).

c.       Serving transfer of PTS.

d.      Serving process to be active again

e.       Seving Process of Permanent Quit from Study (BST).

f.        Serving process of study postponement.


B.     Authority:

1.      Proposing officer of registration and re-registration.

2.      Proposing substitution of schedule and Student Card (KTM) Renewal.


C.     Responsibility :

In doing its dailiy duties it is responsible to Head of Re-registration and MAA, Head of Academic Administration Bureau.