Tupoksi Kaur. Pendidikan, Pengajaran & Akreditasi

Main Duties and Functions (TUPOKSI)

Head Section of Education, Teaching and Accreditation

A.     Duties :

1.    Helping the duties of Head of Administration Bureau and Head section of Education and Teaching, Head section of AIK and MKDU especially in education, teaching and accreditation. 

2.      Helping coordinate scoring process (Midterm Test,Interval, Final Test).

3.      Helping collect data about education and teaching for Academic Guidelines drafting materials, EPSBED report and other necessities.

4.      Being responsible in saving and keeping educational certificate blank and transcript.

5.      Being responsible in checking administration completeness for educational certificate printing, teaching license and responsible with the alumni data.

6.      Checking every proposal of  academic transcript signing request.

7.      Documenting copy of educational certificate and transcript in the form of hardcopy, course schedule and names of permanent lecturers who teach course in each faculty.

8.      Helping finishing of book writing administration and teaching material.

9.      Helping coordination with head of Publishing UPT for publication / printing of teaching book.

10.  Being responsible in checking process of administration approriateness of final project exam fund proposal, laboratory fund, midterm test and final test.

11.  Helping process of the lost/damage academic document change making.

B.     Authority :
      Proposing officer of score and educational certificate filling.

C.     Responsibility :


In its daily duty it has responsibility to Head section of Education, Teaching and Accreditation, to Head of Academic Administration Bureau.