Tupoksi Kepala Biro

Main Duties and Functions (TUPOKSI)
Chief of Academic Administration Bureau

A.     Duties :

Chief of Academic Administration Bureau is responsible to the Rector and the Vice Rector, with his main duties are as follows:

1.      Helping to plan, whether they are technical administration or the development, particularly that related to teaching and learning, academic administration and procurement of facilities and infrastructure proposals to support teaching and learning process, thus allowing the formation of a better academic atmosphere.

2.      Creating a progress report each semester on a variety of activities that have been, are and will be done, particularly in education and teaching, as well as the provision of infrastructure facilities and teaching-learning process, as well as other academic administrative matters.

3.      Helping the Rector or Vice Rector I for periodic coordination with the Deans, Directors and / or with the Assistant Dean, Deputy Director I, Chief of the Department, and Secretary of the Department to discuss various issues related to teaching and learning process, provision of facilities and infrastructure and administration of academic matters.

4.      Coordinating with other work units to support fluency tasks in the BAA.

5.      Representing the Rector or Vice Rector I for tasks outside, such as completing tasks with Kopertis Region VII, the Directorate of Higher Education and National Accreditation Board.

6.      Periodically monitoring the courses that the operating license and the period of validity of accreditation is running out, and scheduling Permit Renewal application for the proposed study program and accreditation submission.

7.      Coordinating with the Higher Education and BAN PT, Assessor Program, Faculty and Program associated with the subject plan and implementation program of study visits.

8.      Legalizing the copy of transcripts for alumni of the program of study that has not been accredited or as needed.

9.      Coordinating with the Vice Rector I, PMB, and the Departments to determine the department name, related to the accreditation of BAN PT associated with the manufacture of a new student publication.

10.  Correcting the important mails.

11.  Proposing the academic facilities.


B.     Authorities :

1.      Taking the policy of all work associated with administrative tasks in the environment of BAA.

2.      Holding the coordination meeting with the Deans, Directors and / or with the Assistant Dean, Deputy Director I, Chief of the Department, Secretary of the Department, Head of Employee in the environment of BAA.

3.      Preparing the academic calendar.

4.      Deciding the classrooms.

5.      Evaluating the teaching learning process.

6.      Deciding whether a transfer student can be accepted at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang or not.

7.      Providing an introduction to the Faculty / Department to conduct an academic test for transfer students.


C.     Responsibilities :

1.      Being responsible for all kinds of activities in the environment of BAA, both planning and administrative technical.

2.      Being responsible to the Rector and the Vice Rector I.